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Latest revision as of 14:26, 1 June 2012

The AMS Dao is at station keeping near the top of a large escarpment deep over the Golmore jungle. It has been eight days since the attack by flying monsters and the bomb. Jenna is tucked up in her bed below decks being grump, annoyed and very loud about her displeasure but the broken ankle she suffered when the cannon collapsed around her is proving to be a delicate wound for the ships surgeon to fix. So it has been decided the group will have to venture forth on their first trek into the jungle without the ex-soldier to the mysterious location Raziel has still not relayed to the party though the ship has docked and preparations are being made to put you all ashore in the deadly jungle.

Marduke is standing on top of the deck looking over the jungle with a half frown on his face. No staff in hand and just plain robes for the moment it appears a little of his hair has grown back. His belt strapped to him now holding a book on one side and a few potions on the other, ready to go and perhaps very glad he didn't have those on when Leo decided to say hi. Glancing over the ship he just frowns a bit more, a very grumpy summoner still, "Ready whenever guys." Leaning into the deck and reaching for his... then mutters, "Damn it, miss my staff."

Mordecai stands at the railing, peering over it at the jungle below, studying the canopy with a thoughtful gaze. The aged gunfighter is well armed for the adventure ahead, himself. A large caliber revolver holstered below each armpit, the sawed-off shotgun at his hip opposite a large hunting knife, and also having 'rented' one of Captain Farquan's spare Blunderbusses, which hangs off a strap from his shoulder. The man knowing what dangers this jungle holds, and wanting to be prepared. Glancing up at the others then, he nods some, and simply states, "Let's go."

Over the course of the last week Raziel has kept much to himself and when others venture off to find him the man was often found bent over the ship's map of the region while attempting to make a copy of the major and important features so that when they leave the ship they won't be going blind. And now the map is about as done as he would be able to get it and circled are two things. One a landmark and the other just a circle in the jungle. "I'd lend you mind, but I stopped carrying it," the mage mutters to Marduke while standing beside the summoner. Mordecai is given a glance and then a quick nod before the mage heads to the ladder down. "Just a quick foray to get our bearings and then we'll be back."

Captain Farquan smiles up at Raziel and nods then hands him a small revolver, "Well we'll be stationed up above, so none of the fiends in the damnable jungle can get aboard. Fire this when you are ready for a pick up we'll see the magical flare." He glances at the jungle and shivers, "Good luck finding Asharn, I think if my maps are correct it is a few hours to the west of here."

"Woah hold up!" A voice calls out before the others are able to embark on their journey into the jungle "I'm not too late am I!" A rapidly approaching Thaylorn offers loudly as he nearly runs to the group, panting in the most exaggerated possible "Taking a nap wasn't too good an idea for me, huh!" The Imp remarks with a grin as he looks at the others gathered "I'm ready now though, at least!" He adds with a swift nod and glance to the jungle.

Marduke moves to climb down the ladder himself with a touch of a smirk. "A long walk in this jungle indeed." A glance to the Captian, "Until we meet again." Then moves his way to the jungle floor, "Is it me or is it hotter down here?" Stretching a moment and looking to Raziel, "Its ok, I will survive, just something I am used to, like hair." Grinning and reaching over to poke Thaylorn, "Nope,not to late for the fun."

Mordecai glances at Thaylorn and remarks, "You're just on time." Before he follows Marduke to the jungle floor, climbing down the ladder and letting himself drop the last few feet... By which point he already has one of his revolvers out, and his eyes scan this way and that, peering through the dense foliage. And once everyone else makes it down, he briefly turns to them and warns, "Try to be quiet... Last time I was here, there were some nasty critters about. Big man eating lizards and the like." His tone matter of fact, despite the subject matter.

Raziel accepts the revolver and he tries to figure out where to tuck it for a few moments before looking back at Farquan as he taps a small satchel hanging from his side, "sounds about right according to the copy I made." The man opens his mouth for a moment then pauses as Thaylorn races to catch up. There's a little shake of the head and then the man looks after Marduke commenting as the bald head disappears down the ladder, "at least it will grow back." He follows Marduke down the ladder then, after tucking the gun away, descending fully before looking at the man. There's a moment's consideration and then a nod before he takes a few moments to orient himself.

The Jungle is hot, humid and sticky, the air is close and moist, each breath feels like you are breathing in a cloud of fog or warm vapour. The trees are huge and the canopy is an impenetrable wall of woven green leaves and branches. The top of the escarpment is bare stone and there is a light breeze from this vantage point but once in amongst those trees the heat will close in you can be sure of that. Captain Farquan grins at Marduke and raises his hat to him and gestures, "There is a giant wood! I am sure you can find a new stick, good luckj everyone!" He raises a hand and then shouts an order and the airship ascends into the brilliant blue sky leaving you alone at the edge of the expanse of Jungle before you.

"You were able to survive before, so I'm sure we're all in safe hands regardless." Thaylorn replies with a joking sort of smile towards Mordecai before nodding in agreement with his statement though, his voice lowering in tone and volume as the Imp lands upon the ground with the others. Peering into the jungle for a few moments the Imp seems to be thinking just /how/ big these giant lizards might be, but shakes his head a bit. "We should probably move as quickly as we're able, before things really start taking notice of us being here." He suggests as he moves an arm through the moist air, as if feeling something before smiling once again.

Marduke moves to follow along behind Raziel and Mordecai, not wanting to be the first person in line or the last. A shake of his head as he glances up to the ship, "Doubtful I will find a staff here!" He calls and smirks a moment. "Assume we are noticed Thaylorn, that is the first rule of exploration in dangerous lands. The question we should be asking, is what." His voice taking on a grim tone to it, "And how to handle it. Mordecai, did they have any elemental strengths or weaknesses of the common monsters here? Else I will just start with protectives if we get into any serious trouble."

Mordecai briefly removes his hat to wipe his brow as the heat quickly gets to him as well, but he just faces it otherwise with grim perseverance. Glancing at Thaylorn then, he shrugs a bit, soon remarking, "We went in with close to forty men. Less than twenty made it out when our campaign was over. If I survived it was because those things were too busy eating my friends." That cheerful statement followed by the man looking at Marduke next, and adding, "We defeated most things here with raw firepower, so I'm not too sure what their particular weaknesses might be."

Raziel nods to himself before he drops a hand to rest on the handle of one of his amber kukri. A glance is cast around then he makes a faint sound in the back of his throat, "lets be going. Talk and walk. Holding still just gives things an easier target, so lets be moving." He starts to move ahead, taking up point position given that he, at least believes, he has a direction.

The party are walking along following Raziel's trail through the trees, the humidity does indeed just get worse as you head deeper amongst the trees. The air is like half water it must be as you breath it in in thick cloying gasps. The jungle is alive with the sound of chattering animals though, birds caw, monkeys ook and scamper through the trees and bugs the size of well Thaylorn lumber throgh the bushes to get away from you.

As the air gets more and more humid, Thaylorn seems to becoming more at ease with the area jungle, maybe even enjoying it more due to the ammount of water that seems to be in the air! Although the fleeting glimpses of giant insects seems to keep him from flying around singing joyously, he remains mostly where he is smiling widely in the middle of the group. "True enough I suppose." He had replied to Raziel, not much paying attention to Mordecai's mention of how many soldiers had been eatin. "There's something strange about the air, besides just how much water seems to be in it..." He could be heard murming to himself.

Marduke pace has been slowing down more and more so as they get further into the jungle. "Guys..." He offers his voice slow, "this heat is going to be the end of us. To much humidity..." stopping as he puts a hand against a tree and rests for a the moment unable to really continue along and making no effort to catch up either, doesn't have the energy at the moment. "We need to cool off, something." A glance to Thaylorn as he considers, "Can you do something with your watery thing?"

Mordecai lags behind together with Marduke... But atleast he has the excuse of age, being closer to 60 than Marduke probably is to 30. Sweat pours off him by the gallon, staying his clothes, but he still attempts to push on the best he can, his mouth set into a tight scowl as he struggles against the damned heat. Not even really paying much attention to the insects, apparently not seeing them much as a threat right now.

As he walks Raziel lifts his wings alittle bit and the feathers puff out, catching the littlest bit of coolness as it passes by. Tilting his head towards Thaylorn the man lifts a brow, "what sort of strangeness?" He starts to move off but then pauses and looks back at Marduke. A brow rises before he considers and turns back while looking around then back towards Thaylorn, "got any ideas? I can hit the air repeatedly with ice magic, but spells are just one shot things."

"It's a bit difficult to explain." Thaylorn murmurs in reply to Raziel, glancing up to the Aegyl for a moment before glancing to the others to suddenly notice what sort of shape they're in from the weather. "Oh goodness, this first, and no need to any ice magic, I can keep the water away well enough." He adds with a quick nod as he turns about towards the two that are struggling "Now, just hold still a moment! I have a spell that might help a bit at least." He remarks before closing his eyes and concentrating on himself as well as the humidity almost encasing the group. Speaking a few fel words in the Imp's language, Thaylorn's magic flares to life, a most refreshing breeze surrounding the group as the humidity seems to be overtaken at least partially by a cooler mist around Thaylorn himself, sticking nearer to him should probably lessen the humidity's effect!

Marduke grunts as he rests for a moment more and then pushes back to his feet to start making his way back over. Wipping the sweat from his brow, "This heat is lethal without something." he offers and shakes his head slowly, "Lets hurry, the longer we are in this the worse we will get." Clearly still a bit out of sorts but pushing to keep up and stay in the cooler area as he can. "And here I thought the Queens Palace was the most difficult enviroment I had to overcome."

Mordecai stays closer to Thaylorn, then, letting the cooler air reinvigorate him some, rumbling out meanwhile in his gruff baritone, "I'll be fine... I was just quite a bit younger when I was here last. Ain't as spry anymore." And he continues following the others like that, trying to keep an eye out meanwhile.

With the imps sell wrapped about the party the going does prove to be easier, the vines are thick and the trees are tall and covered in moss or surrounded by tall razor like ferns. After an hour has passed the group cross a small stream and the ambient sonds of nature seem to die down somewhat and the jungle stretches on around them in all directions.

"Aye, it's very different than back home, it's almost like the whole place is alive really." Thaylorn murmurs as he glances around past the group while maintaining the aura around the group. As they cross past the stream though he comes to a rather abrubpt stop as he gazes around "Hold up here for a moment...There's something over there." He remarks, pointing off to the left side where there is a ruined ramp that circles a tree. "And there's some rather strange plants there." He adds, shifting his finger towards a grouping of plants nearby blocking the way towards the ramp.

Marduke is oblivious to much of anything around him rigth now, still struggling with the heat and the humidity, "No just this heat is very high. I am from a island, plenty of humidity and heat there." He offers with a sigh and just shakes his head. Blinking as he glances up over to the pointed out tree and plants, "Huh?" Raziel tilts his head towards Thaylorn,

Mordecai is keeping an eye on things, even while he's struggling with the heat... And even before Thaylorn points at the ramp, his gaze starts going up, following some of the tree trunks up to the canopy above. And he suddenly stands very still then... Keeping his gaze up, staring straight at something, before he quietly remarks, "... Yes, hold up. We've got company... Viera. Armed." The man making sure not to make any wrong moves just yet.

Raziel tilts his head towards Thaylorn, "of course it feels like everything is alive. It is and the air is thick with insects. Can't look.." his voice trails off and his eyes start to lift. Like the others he spots the out of place things that speak of some sort of organized life forms. Quietly he glances at Mordecai before following his eyes and murmuring quietly, "the village that we were looking for," even though he is sure they can likely hear regardless of how quiet he is speaking.

The plants Thaylorn points out almost seem to move... they twich and not in the breeze, they are between you and the only way up into the ruins. The others cannot see any sign of Mordecai's viera but they are probably up there and the jungle is deadly quiet now....

"We should avoid those plants." Thaylorn could be heard murmuring softly from where he has frozen in place, not wanting to move at all less he do something to upset the Viera that may be up above. "So what do we do then...Just stand still until they come down or leave?" He asks softly, gaze turning towards Mordecai for a few moments as if asking him in particular.

Marduke just blinks, and blinks again, "Oh yea." he offers remembering now what they were looking for. he glances to the plants and Thaylorn and nods slowly," Just point to where we are going and I will follow." Reaching up to wipe of some more sweat and offers a sigh, "We can rest soon right?" a half hopeful smile. The heat really getting to the guy.

Mordecai slowly looks away from the watching Viera towards the plants, studying those for a few moments instead... At thaylorn's question though, he glances at Raziel, responding quietly, "Ask him. He has the map, and the plan... I'm just here to help shoot our way out of this if we need to." The man still heavilly armed, though also still not making any sudden moves.

Raziel's gaze flicks to the plants and there's a faint nod from Raziel in responce to Thaylorn's warning. A wing twitches as Mordecai calls him the man with the plan. Blowing out a light breath the aegyl steps forward and spreads his arms as he lifts his voice a little bit more. "You see us. Will we be allowed to see you?"

Silence greets Raziel's call to the ruins of the village over head, the buildings can just be made out through the vines and foliage, it must have been quite big in its time but now is a dilapadated ruin, it's former glory and civilization washed away by the mists. Raziel is however very lucky, just able to duck down and back as a tentacle whips out and goes to try and pick him up as the plants Thaylorn pointed out heaves itself out of the ground. Two very green and red creatures.. plants.. things heaving themselves out of the ground and wavering their fronds from side to side as they advance...

Marduke steps back as he notices the tentacle whips at Raziel and blinks. Muttering a few words under his breath, "Do we fight it Raz?" Glancing to the men as he steps back several paces to get some extra distance from the creature and well put the bigger people between him and it. "Plant creature though, fire tends to effect most plants pretty well." glancing up and shaking his head slowly his mind racing as he considers.

Mordecai doesn't really need permission to fight the thing. It attacked, so it's fair game. The man paying no more attention to the Vieras now as he quickly starts moving up to stand next to Raziel, the sixgun that was already in his hand snapping up, and soon joined by the other one which he yanks from its holster... The old gunslinger starting to rapidly fire towards the plant creature.

Raziel backsteps quickly and grimaces before muttering lowly, "oh we fight them.. don't think they'd be friend to anything. Man or Viera." His wings rustle and the gold begins to glow, beads of fire appearing along them as he murmurs, "fire.. makes sense." There's the briefest of smirks plays over his lips and then be fire magics start running down to his hands as he lets loose. Either the viera will attack or they won't. There's no help for it.

Moredecai's bullets rip through the air, tearing into the Ochu and they scream and shy back... their tentacles leap and lash and those huge lumbering bulks heave themselves up into the trees, chased by Mordecai's bullets as they lumber into the tree-tops. There is an almight SCREEEECH and on one of the platform balconies a wild haired viera can be seen. She points down at the group and screams again and shakes her spear then calls out, "MURDERERS! You come to harm our forest, you come to steal the Sacred! Come if you dare! Face us! FACE US!" She shakes her spear again and then vanishes into the ruined building behind her....

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