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Latest revision as of 03:42, 4 January 2013

With the Wark and Kupo now a safe (at least seemingly) haven a basic search reveals that the lower floor contains enough dried rations and wine for several days, and it all still looks usuable. The Tavern is quiet now, the only sounds are the sign out front creaking in the gentle breeze.

With the inn at least visibly clear, and the prospect of dried food and wine to sustain them for the next week or so, Alba takes up a place by one of the windows looking out onto the town square, crouching atop the chair and elbows resting on knees. Her ears turn toward anyone who speaks, following the conversation, but her eyes are occupied with whatever might lay n the other side of the inn's walls... and what they might want with the group.

Ka'Len frowns at the ratinos before he heads back up to join the others, "if we can avoid it lets not eat anything here. I don't know it would still be good. The wine sure, but the rest? I'm not so sure about." He shakes his head a little bit before stepping over to the door thoughtfully before turning back. "Alright, so what's the plan?"

Remi doesn't really trust any object in this place after his earlier experience, so he just kind of stays in the middle of the room they're in, currently sitting on the floor and trying to distract himself by quietly tuning his Lute. At Ka'Len's question though, he looks up, and shrugs, "Dunno... But I don't think we should just stay here. We need to get home."

Sebastion stands watch at one of the windows as well, leaning against the wall to the side of the window. He keeps his green-eyed gaze focused out at the mists and the quiet. He hasn't released his sword since that incident in the bridge, making it clear he's expecting them to get attacked at any second. Certainly a soldier. He reaches up to pull his scarf down, speaking clearly, if in his dull voice, "I believe we should explore this town, together, and find whatever clues we can. It may be that we find a way to get free from whatever plucked the airship out of the sky, and we may find where the crew went."

Marduke has decided to stay down stairs waiting next to the door as he considers. His fingers drumming along his arm lost in thought for the time being. At the mention of a plan he glances to Ka'Len, "We have little options here and even fewer clues really. The book is about the only one we had and there isn't enough there to go off of." Sighing as he reaches up to rub his head, "We have five keys, and five locations." Offering a nod to Sebastion, "So the real question, which one first?"

"...The library," Alba supplies from her place at the window, peering outside as though trying to force the dead town to give its secrets up with her glare alone. "The angry dead, it spoke of a story, written and complete. Perhaps we should begin where such stories gather and await."

Ka'Len chews on his lip, a nod given to Remi and then Sebastion before he looks to Marduke, ponders and then tilts his head towards Alba. "Lady's choice and I think it a fitting one. Lets go and investigate the place." He checks his gear before starting towards the door and after a moment's hesitation he draws the door open to peer out quietly, looking for any signs of movement. Remi pushes himself to his feet and slings his Lute over his shoulder, glancing at the others with a nod and responding, "Library sounds good... Maybe we'll find something on the town's history too." Before he quietly tiptoes after Ka'Len, peeking out the door with him.

"A good start, then," Sebastion agrees, standing up straight and pulling the scarf up over his mouth again. He turns his eyes out into the mist once more, then steps over to stand near the door, waiting for the group to leave. He's the last to leave. He looks around the room suspiciously, especially the the instrument that ... died when they first arrived. Freakin' haunted pianos.

Marduke pushes off from the wall as he nods slowly, "Though I suspect the only thing we will truly find is that things are not what they seem around here. Something we already know." Sighing softly as he rubs his head again and shakes it. A glance towards Alba, "Lets get exploring."

The streets are as still and lifeless as before. As the group heads out in search of the library it becomes obvious how large this town really is. The main road they entered front splitting off at a Y intersection with the town hall at the center of the split. The faded street signs indicate the path to the library clearly enough. As you travel you note more residence building boarded up and baring the same symbols above the doors as you saw on the road to the tavern. Even stranger are that any staturary or insignia for spirits of any kind has been destroyed. What would usually be an emblem for lady luck is scarred and deface, and outside the library itself a statue dedicated to Carbuncle the Keeper of Memory has been defaced and partially destroyed. The library itself like all the buildings is sealed tight, a single lantern hanging outside of it's door and a large iron lock on the door.

Alba snorts, one ear flicking out to the side, as she takes note of the defaced iconography. "It would seem that the Spirits are not welcome in this place," she murmurs. "It should be an entertaining tale, I think..." Once they reach the library, she takes a position at teh side of the door, holding the keyring up for anyone else to take. "Who wishes to face what horrors may lurk within, first?"

As they travel Ka'len ponders the residences and the writing once again, though he murmurs, "I still wonder if that's to keep something out or in." Shaking his head he pauses when they come acrossed the defaced emblem, a frown tugging at his lip which only deepens when they come upon larger statue. "So it would seem," the would be summoner mutters in responce to Alba. He glances at the key then the door before pulling his sword and stepping to the other side of the door.

Remi keeps to the middle of the group as they traverse the town, quietly peeking this way and that, his ears splayed at all the odd sights. At Alba's statement about the Spirits though, he nods some, responding, "Makes sense, if Marduke can't feel their presence and stuff... It's like this place isn't part of the normal world." And he shrugs some, before pausing with the others infront of the library, peering at the iron lock.

Sebastion hesitates when they come across the statue, and steps closer to it. He leans in to examine it, and the details, to try and figure out what had destroyed it... whether it was the anger of men, or the wrath of fiends. It would be hard to distinguish the two, unless there are claw marks or otherwise. He almost seems to daydream at the statue, amazingly distracted by it, with an eerie air around him, until he notices the others walking on, and he hurries to catch up at a quick walk. "I've got it," he says, reaching out to grab the key ring, and step over to the lock. He breathes a soft sigh, and checks for the correct key, hoping to unlock the door without too much fuss.

Marduke comes to a stop before the statue of Carbuncle. A slow shake of his head with a sigh, "I am starting to understand a little. The spirits do not demand to be followed, even allow people to reject them. Yet in doing so the spirits do the same, this place may of been abandoned by the spirits. Just another clue to the puzzle. What it means I can only guess." Shaking his head as he glances to Alba and grins, "Isn't that your job?" A light tease in his voice trying to lighten the mood a bit before glancing back to the statue, his face dropping again. Ignoring the library for the moment lost in his own thoughts.

The lock gives easily once the key is inserted and the door opens to reveal the room within. What one would immediately notice is that there are no books. The shelves stand empty and dust covered, tables and chairs neatly arranged and unused. A few of the lanterns hang to cast a dim gloom about the room though at the far end a long desk can be seen with a single light hanging over it, and a single book laying open on it's surface.

Knives in hand, Alba slips into the Library, alert and ready for trouble. Slinking into the Library proper, she notes with evident unhappiness the utter lack of books in evidence... And then her eye falls on the desk, it's light, and its single tome. "Hello, Father Antlion," she says softly, in a singsong voice. "It is a lovely home you have..."

Ka'Len peers in when the door swings open. His eyes go to the shelves and he pulls back. "Oh well, look at that, no books.. perhaps we should.." And it's just then that his eyes naturally move down along the hanging lanterns to the light over the table and he takes note of the book there. "Oh." His eyes snap towards Alba and he whispers hastily, "your creeping me out.." Still he starts to edge his way in while looking left and right quickly, "lets just... see what's in the book. Since we came..." Sounds like he's trying to convince himself.

Remi follows after Alba and Ka'Len, and seems equally surprised and displeased at the lack of books on the shelves, frowning at them a bit... Though it's not nearly as displeased as he looks when he spots the single book that IS there. The Bard remembering what happened at the inn, and coming to an immediate halt, apparently refusing to get close, "... Yah, no."

Sebastion steps in with less apprehension than the others, and more suspicion. He keeps his sword at the ready, glancing about at the dusty shelves. "Dust... We saw the apparition earlier in the dust," he murmurs softly, and then furrows his brows. As attention is drawn to the tome, he turns his head and raises those brows. "Hmm." He just starts walking. If no one else is going to get a look at it. "This is why we came here, isn't it?"

Marduke steps in last and looks around, clearly not surprised by the lack of books at all. He looks down to the one that is remaining and shakes his head slowly. "Something tells me we might be finding a setup like this in all the locations we visit." Frowning a bit as he walks over towards it slowly.

Alba creeps forward, circling around the edge of the desk, eyes locked on the open book. "We merely wish to visit, Father Antlion," she murmurs, attempting to read any writing on the open pages... upside down, and from no less than three long paces away from the book. "To look and see your home, and perhaps cut out your eyes before we leave again..."

Ka'Len feels himself drawn forward while his sword swings back and forth with the direction of his gaze. As he draws nearer the table, bypassing Alba though her muttering cause him to shiver a little. Once at the edge the young man sheaths the weapon once more and then leans forward, reading alloud while his brows slowly start to rise upwards, "And so the group cautiously entered the library and spotting the lone book treated it with suspician. While the Elvaan stepped forth after much consideration to read what has been printed on the pages. "I don't like the sounds of this." One of them commented upon hearing what was written within the tome. As the group contemplated this a loud noise from a cabinet behind the desk caused the Hume to jump startled and back away quickly."

At Ka'len's reading of the tome a loud Clattering is heard from a Cabinet behind the desk. A Drawer rattles and bucks as it somthing is trying to get out.

Remi decides to take a few steps closer as well, perhaps having gained a bit more confidence by the others approaching it. And as Ka'Len starts to read what it says, both his brows and ears start to go up, a worried expression crossing his face... And it's then that the cabinet suddenly makes the noise! Causing the young Bard to leap almost a foot into the air, startled, and quickly backing away again once he lands back on his feet.

"I don't like the sounds of this," Sebastion says at the same time as Ka'Len reading it, not really noticing that he said it, staring off toward the rattling drawer. He holds up the sword defensively, ready to fight, evidently. But then his brow furrows, and his head turns toward the book. He stares at it, with wide eyes, his face paling. A shiver climbs his spine. Whatever had been keeping him relatively calm has broken.

Marduke comes to a complete stop as he just stares a moment and listens to Ka'len. A glance to Remi, and then a glance to Sebastion and closes his eyes as he lets out a slow breath. Holding a hand up to his head he holds it there for a moment, "Im getting a headache." Glancing back over to the desk, 'May as well find out what is in the drawer."

As the Drawer is opened a Skull flies out of it to hover in mid-air and lower at the group with two glass eyes set into the middle of it's eye-sockets. "Mmmggh... nnnfftthh.." It pauses for a moment and with a hacking sound spews out a cloud of dust and grime. "*Cough* *Wheeze* Gah! Oy what a relief, thought I was going to be stuck in that damned Drawer forever. Ok let's see here..." His gaze turns to each of you in turn. "Pretty motley bunch this time I see.."

The echo of reality made by reading the words aloud has Alba crouching deeply, attention snapping from speaker to speaker just after they begin to act out their part... and it seems to take all her willpower to restrain herself from launching at the floating skull, knives-first. Instead, she stays in her crouch, the coiled-spring tension of a cornered predator, staring up at the skull in seething silence.

Ka'Len flinches rather than jumping, but a startled look is cast towards the cabinet and then back at the book while he struggles back a step and reaches for his blade. When the drawer opens and a skull flies out he muffles a yelp and then stops, blinking as it starts talking to them. "I wait.. what.."

Remi unslinged his Lute after he backed away, and is currently brandishing it like a club, holding it by the neck and keeping it cocked out to strike... A little twitch going through him as the skull flies out, as if he's about to punt it away... Yet halting himself and blinking hard as the skull starts to speak, the Bard's only response, "Um..."

Sebastion had just about come an inch from actually swinging the blade at the floating skull. He stares at the skull with wide eyes, still as pale as a ghost. He's been shaken pretty bad. He relaxes his tensed posture, regaining his defensive stance, and stares at the skull. "... you... must be the same as the bridge guard," he murmurs, barely audible through the scarf he wears over half of his face.

Marduke steps back one hand holding staff ready the other starting to gather magical energy, but he stops staring at the skull, and just continues to stare. He shakes his head slowly and grunts a moment. Watching the skull for a long long moment he regains his composure and stands up straighter tapping his staff into the ground, "This time around is it? Confirms a few things, but you yourself, you appear a bit bleached and cracked. How about helping us out? Else we could just put you back into the drawer and be on our motley way." A glance to Sebastion, "Probably not actually, there is likely to be more the one thing wondering around here."

The Floating skull pauses a moment and looks to Sebastion. "Naw don't confuse me with one of the shades, those poor bastards. Locked in time in the final moments of their existence before the big whammy hit this place." It coughs again, spewing more dust. "Ok lemme see if I remember the welcome speech. Ah yes... Welcome to Draver's Valley, city of the forgotten and home of the damned. I'll be your tour guide, my name is... ummmm.. well crap. Just call me Bob alright?"

".....Bob." At the wrinkle of Alba's nose, it's evident she expected something a touch more... fitting, for a floating, speaking, thinking skull, be it ever so neglected. "*Bob.*" With a snort, she rises from her crouch, shaking her head. "Then tell us, *Bob.* These others you speak of, did they leave this place upon their feet? Or did their tale end here?"

Ka'Len looks to the rest of the group and then back at *Bob* before he opens his mouth. Closing it a moment later as Alba asks the first question that comes to mind the man waits for a moment before noting, "I do think we're going to have alot of questions for you... err.... Bob. Like what was up with that?" He points at the book.

Remi blinks hard again, quietly mouthing, 'Bob?' And then just staring at the skull some more, visibly not knowing what to think. At Alba and Ka'Len's questions to it though, he glances at them, and nods some, finding himself curious about those things as well, and adding, "Yah, and how do we get out of here?"

"... riiight... Sorry." Sebastion replies carefully, starting to relax, slowly. He glances around the room. His eyes are still wide, somewhat crazed with the panic that set into him. "Your job must suck, Bob, with all of this mist around blocking people's vision," he jokes, in an attempt to sooth his frayed nerves.

Marduke just continues to stare at the skull and groans at the name. Holding a hand to his head again and sighs softly, "Bob, pre-folly settlement, abandoned spirits. Whats next." yes he is speaking to soon of course as he looks back to the Skull, letting it answer the other questions before he adds any of his own.

Bob continues to float there as the questions are asked. First looking to Alba "Oh most folks didn't get out when the end came, you'll still see them around here in a few spots. Though most have been here for so long they've all but faded from existance. The ones that came after are likely still around here somewhere. Not sure I remember anyone who's managed to get out yet." He swivels to look at Ka'len and then down at the book. "Ah you found your story, well that's good. Means you're on the right track for finding the way out." He then turns to Remi "Getting out? Oh well you have to complete your story.. no one gets out unless their story has been finished. Course all the stories end one way or another eventually. Well except for mine." He looks around a bit "Ain't got me yet have ya ya red-nosed bastard! Old Bob's Still alive and kickin'!"

"...Our story." Ears remaining oriented on the skull, she turns her head toward the book, eyes narrowing. "That is our tale, then?" Cautiously, she edges closer to the desk, eyes flicking over the pages, a sneer pulling at her upper lip. "...The warden of this place, his humor is lacking. I wish to tell him so to his kidneys."

Ka'Len's mouth opens and then closes as he looks at the book and considers. "I could take it, but something tells me it's not going to be filled in yet. That would be too easy." His hand extends for a moment then pauses and glances around at Bob's yell and Alba's words. Shaking his head then he reaches out to take the book. "If it's our story then we better keep it safe." He pauses and looks at Bob, mentally filing away the rest of the information but then asking, "who's the, as Alba puts it, warden?"

Remi frowns at Bob, and soon glances at the book as well, trying to make sense of what they're being told, muttering meanwhile, "... I always wanted to write my own stories, but not like this." Before he headtilts some at Ka'Len's question, and peers at Bob, "Whoever it is, I think he has a red nose?"

Sebastion looks toward the book, as it's explained. He eventually puts the sword away in its scabbard again, and gives a look around the room. He seems to have gained more comfort, regaining the composure he had when they arrived. Some answers do wonders to mend the anxiety. "Yes... alive and kicking," he repeats, flatly. "Where do you think we should go next, Bob? This is the first place we've been to, besides the Inn."

Marduke leans into his staff thoughtfully and nods, "Five locations, five of us. Each a story, each a book. That ist he easy part." He offers and nods to Ka'Len, "The matter is what is going to be writen in those books, and if we can write in them ourselves." A frowns as he glances to the skull, "ANd then there is the one behind all of this. Some cruel game maybe?" tapping his chin, "I think the first thing would probably to collect the books. If as he says we have to complete our stories, we are going to need the books." Looking to sebastion and then bob.

Shakes his head "Naw one group, one story. You wanna see what you need to do to leave, check the begining. Each Capter must be complete, each chapter gives you a key to the way out." He turns to Ka'len "As for who is running the show.. well I don't know really. See I've kinda lost my mind." He spins around a moment, revealing 5 holes in the back of his skull "If you find any of it laying around town somewhere I'd appreciate it." He spins back around "Of course.. you could always ask that guy too." He looks towards a previously closed window. The shutters on the outside have been opened and the face of a clown stares impassively through the dusty glass at you all, face twisted into a hideous grin before stepping back from the window and just fading into the mist.

Alba leafs through the pages toward the beginning of the book, as suggested, only half paying attention to the rest of the skull's introductory antics -- until he speaks of someone else they could ask. Glancing up, she follows Bob's eyeless gaze to the now-open window... And much like a cat startled by a loud noise, launches herself backwards, knives in hand, clattering up against an unoccupied table and very nearly overturning it in her rush to place it between the clown and herself. Panting, struggling for breath, she watches as it fades away... and fury begins to rise in place of startled terror in her eyes.

Ka'Len looks down at the book for a few long moments then up. Suddenly the book is being clutched to his chest and a yelp escapes as the young noble backpeddles right into Sebastion and nearly jumps into the man's arms in his surprise. "oh holy hell!" In a page-pose to you, Ka'Len thought that would be longer for some reason. Couldn't beat Alba lol

Remi starts leaning towards the book as well, glancing from it to Bob... Curiousity somewhat overtaking his nervousness and fear, atleast for the moment. Just like Alba though, he starts following the skull's 'gaze' as soon as he mentions another presence... And at the sight of the clown, the Bard lets out an instant startled yelp, jumping up what seems to be almost twice his own height, and the fur on his ears and tail bristling, "WHAT'S THAT?!"

Sebastion turns his attention toward the window, and freezes. He doesn't react with the same sort of startle the others do. Sure, it's obvious that it got to him, but it's not as pronounced. That just seems to be how he operates. He reaches out distractedly to interrupt Ka'Len's backpedaling. For the most part, he stays in his spot, reluctant to move or make a noise. He glances over to Bob, and furrows his brow, after the clown disappears. "... he doesn't look as friendly as you are."

Marduke watches the skull as he considers, "Five missing pieces." His mind clearly turning over everthing and blinks as he glances up caught in surprise, "Huh who?" Glancing over to the window and gapping a moment, "What in the spirit realms is that!?" Stepping back and tripping over a bookshelf in the process. Landing with a oompf he just lays there for the moment staring up to the ceiling. "Bob, your enjoying this arn't you?" The indignation in his voice easily heard.

Bob busts out laughing at the group's reaction to the clown's sudden apperance and disappearance. Ending in another dust-spewing coughing fit. "Ah that never gets old.. you'll be seeing him on and off all over town. Can't remember why though. Ok let's see here.." He gazes at the book and it flips from Ka'len's grip to land on the table, the pages flipping rapidly before stopping on the table of contents. The Chapters titled as Follows:

Justice Unfound

A work Unfinished

A Duel Unresolved

Love Unrequited

A Family Undone

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