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Revision as of 00:19, 15 December 2011


The temple of Mog! Quiet, peaceful at this time of day... careful it might be a trap... Mogs are inside! Mogs!"

Well.. it's late, but no reason not to come calling.. and when your trying to tap someone for info-errr to have a pleasant visit you should always bring a gift. Raziel moves through the temple district and pauses at the entry of the temple before he enters with the small gift bag and a bottle.

The heavy clock work powered doors are open, the light in the grand vestibule is bright and warm and the lights coming out of the two temple chambers is also bright albeit one is green and the other orange! An acolyte glances down at Raziel from atop the stairs and waves, "Kupo! Welcome the Mog Dance is starting come insider!"

Raziel blinks at the multi hued lights and he looks around for a moment, backing up a step immediately before he's spotted. He looks up and his brows lift for a moment before he quietly inquires... "Dance?" To his credit his voice didn't squeak when asking that.

The moogle smiles, "For evening worship in the temple of Mog! The Mog Dance is starting, or are you here for evening song with Famfrit?"

Raziel shakes his head a little and looks within then back once more, "I wished to speak with the priestess Moiraine.. but if the worship is about to commence I can wait here until it is all finished. I would not wish to interrupt anyone."

The moogle shakes his head, "The High Priestess is in her chambers" he points to the door at the back of the foyer, "Go on through, see if she will see you"

Raziel relaxes then since it doesn't seem that he'll have to randomly join in just because he arrived. The man thinks about that for a moment longer and then smirks as he heads for the priestess' chambers at how dumb such a conclusion was. The man pauses before the door and then raps on it quietly.

The Moogle Priestess calls out from within, "Come in Raziel, shut the door behind you." Inside the sandy coloured moogle is sat at a desk writing something in a large tome.

Raziel blinks then steps inside. "How did you know it was me?" He inquires before walking over to the desk and after a quick glance at the tome, not long enough to read whats being written though, he extends his hands. One holding a small bag and the other the bottle. "I heard that when visiting someone it's polite to bring a gift. So.. here. The bottle is filled with a cherry cordial." And in the bag are little mini petit fours."

Moiraine eyes Raziel and points to a mirror on one wall. "We have much technology in this place, I can see everyone who comes through the door reflected in that." She then settles back, putting her quill to one side and regards Raziel. "A gift? How very kind of you my friend"

"Well.. it's late, thank you for seeing me.." He looks at the mirror curiously for a few moments before setting down both of the gifts and then taking a seat. "And how are you doing, priestess?"

Moiraine pours herself some of the cherry cordial into a beaker and snffs it "Oooh Cherry, my mother was always cherry flavoured and I have been well. Busy with my life here at the temple"

Raziel starts to nod, but finds himself suddenly tilting his head a bit while his brows shoot up, "I... excuse me, but did you just say your mother was cherry flavoured??"

Moiraine says, "Oh my yes kupo-po," she waves a hand, "Every moogle has their own distinctive scent, a flavour if you will and besides my mother wasn't quite what you'd call a normal kupo. Anyway it is nice of you to drop on by and see me Raziel.""

Raziel's head remains tilted for a few long moments and then he shakes it some. "I.. see... well humans do too, though nothing usually so.. fruity." He dips his head and then motions to the bag of cakes, "I was told those are good too.. and thank you for seeing me. I admit that my purpose was exactly without purpose though."

Moiraine says, "I thought it might not be dear, humans rarely seek out the High Priestess of Mog unless they are after something. So my friend what is it you want?""

I'm not hu.. actually I suppose I am now." He glances over his shoulder and then back while leaning forward, "you said before that you might know something about the Mist Dragon and the Aegyl's history with them that you would share. I also tried getting information from the library.. but a certain spirit decided it was a wonderful time to go and fog up the place.."

Moiraine smiles "Yes I heard about that, she won;'t touch the temple of Mog though, she'd not want to interfere in his domain or Famfrits" She stands up and beckons you to follow her as she moves toward the door "I can show you the history"

Raziel exhales and then murmurs, "for someone upset about something that has passed, she does not seem to want to make my job solving it any easier.." He stands up then and follows after while dipping his head a little bit, "I thank youf or helping me with this."

Moiraine says, "She's a very upset dragon, they do not forget easily" She leads you out into the main foyer and checks it is empty. The large circular chamber is currently empty and she raises one hand and the doors to the two temples and the front door slide shut. "Ok stand with me in the middle" she moves to the central mosaic."

Raziel looks around as the doors close and then walks over to stand beside you while tilting his head a little bit, "it seems so. I wonder what my kin did to her. Not much would surprise me though."

Moiraine she eyes Raziel then presses one of the studs on the floor, tje mosaic map of the world rumbles and the central keystone of the circular foyer sinks down, carrying us into the depths. "You'll see soon enough."

Raziel freezes, staggering a little bit at the sudden change. Someone's sense of balance is still correcting itself. And then he looks over a brow lifts before a mere nod is given beofre he looks around and waits for the elevator to finish it's journey.

At the bottom she steps off and waves Raziel to follow, she pushes a switch and the platform raises back up, "Come" She leads him down a long winding corridor and stops outside a door of obsidian and pulls out a large key.

Raziel follows after while looking around, "your people are full of surprises I see." He smirks a little for a brief moment before stopping before the doorway.

Moiraine says, "Oh not really, this is a triple temple is all" she turns the key, there is a hiss of steam and clanking of clock work and then the door slides open revcealing a chamber of gleaming metal, models of airships, brilliant, fanciful metal airships stand on pedestals"

Raziel considers then he nods a little bit and looks aroung, his brows lifting slowly before he murmurs, "airships.." There's a little nod dbefore he steps in and allows his gaze to linger here and there before pausing and looking back once more.

At the end of the chamber is a huge, sleek, long, beautiful Airship. Moiraine bows to it, "This is the Shrine to Ark, it is... very precious to Moogles and many others who admire technololgy"

Raziel's eyes lift as he notes the bow and then he inclines his head, giving respect to the spirit even though he might not follow it. Nodding then to you he murmurs, "I have no hand for it, but Ican appreciate the ease that it imparts into our lives. I.. thank you for bringing me here."

Moiraine smiles and shakes her head and walks over to one of the pedestal and touches it, "Do you know much about the lore of Ark? Of the Fleet of Spirit Ships that dwell within the Lost City kupo?" "I cannot say that I do. Though I'd decided recently to pursue study of spirits to become a summoner myself, I don't know much of them at this point in time. Share withme, if you would?" Raziel follows after you while looking up at the great airship.

Moiraine sits down at the base of the pedestal, "These are the spirit ships, the great constructs, ther airships of ther ages that all pay homage to Ark, the ultimate spirit of technology." She points up "This is the Lunar Whale... it is a very grand old spirit."

Raziel steps closer, within arms reach, of the ship and looks up over it. Literally dwarfed by the ship's size. He tilts his head and then frowns to himself and looks back as some thought occurs. "Did the aegyl use the Mist Dragon to somehow bring down one of these?"

Moiraine says, "The Aegyl... used dark, forbidden rituals to force the Mist Dragon, or part of her to power the Lunar Whale and control it.""

Raziel lowers his gaze and doesn't seem to react much. Except for his hands which slowly have balled into fists. He remains silent for a long few moments before he looks up at the ship again. "You have my sincere apology.. though I can see why it would not be enough." He looks over at you then and nods slowly. "I understand now.. though what I can do to appease the spirit I'm not sure. This must have happened long ago.. and the reason I would not have known is obvious. No one would want to admit our people having done something such as this."

Moiraine smiles softly and shrugs, "For those answers you must seek elsewere, I cannot help you, I do not know what would appease the Mist Dragon, or the Lunar Whale here, you must seek those answers elsewere in the world kupo,"

Raziel nods slowly and then exhales. "Thank you Moiraine.. I appreciate that you showed me this." He closes his eyes then before exhaling, his thoughts tucked firmly away for now. "I will have to ponder on this more and will travel back to my homeland and see what I can dig up there."

Moiraine says, "Good luck kupo, I wish I could come with you but I have my temple to attend to here kupo-po"" "You've done much already.. thank you Moiraine." He offers a little bit of a smile before it fades. For a moment it looks like he's trying to think of something more to say. Shaking his head a little bit then before turning to walk back towards the elevator.

Moiraine leads Raziel back outside and stops once they are back in the entrance hall and kupos, "Sorry I cannot do more, but I am glad what I have told you has helped"

Raziel nods quietly, "I appreciate it and it is more than enough. I'll look for more answers eslewhere. Please enjoy the cakes and cordial. I'm glad that I got something near and dear to your heart."

Moiraine leads him to the steps, placing a paw on his arm, "You will do well kupo and thank you, take care now!"

Missing Log File (included Raziel and Vazkor hiring a ship to take them to Archades)