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Latest revision as of 01:40, 5 January 2013

The storm passes, the groaning and shrieking of the lost souls outside fading as the last roll of thunder echos through the town. Sunlight once more filtering through the shutters as that unnatural calm once again encompasses the streets.

Marduke has had a somewhat restless night. Sleeping up against a wall and holding the ever important book in his hands as he does so. Weaking up he stands up and stretches, 'Oh going to be sore today." Sighing and glancing around eyes moving towards the coffin and shaking his head, "Time to return you home." Glancing to the others, "We should get breakfest and move out quickly, seems the days are getting shorter."

Remi is perhaps starting to get used a bit to the whole situation... As he actually looks like he managed to get some sleep, the Bard curled up in a corner with an old pillow he managed to find pressed over his head to drown the scary sounds out. Starting to stirr and then rise though, he yawns as he sits up, tossing the pillow aside and rubbing his eyes... Looking around at who else might be awakening, and then asking in a quiet voice, "... So what are we doing today?"

"We return the child to his home," Alba murmurs from the door, where she'd fallen asleep sitting up. Head rising, she knuckles the corner of an eye, yawning, and starts to lever herself to her feet. "Wise words, shaman... that we have seen the faces of the creatures who flood the down after dark... It would seem perhaps we no longer have the luxury of swift travel. Fortunate, then, that we have gained allies." As she speaks, she moves toward the pile of food left over from last night, picking up a slab of dried meat to tear into smaller strips.

Ka'len is breaking out some of the dried rations and he nods to Marduke then tosses a bit of jerky over towards Remi, "we're taking the coffin back to the boy's ho.." He pauses and then frowns before looking at Marduke, "a thought, we, as much as I don't want to do this, didn't double check to make sure that there was a body inside of the coffin. I mean it didn't feel like it was empty when we were carrying it, but I've never carried a coffin before to know the difference."

Sebastion didn't get much sleep at all. Probably no sleep. He spent much of his time backed up into a corner of the room, largely avoiding windows and doors, and Alba, who he spent much of the off time watching, to make sure he didn't lose track of her and she suddenly getting funny ideas with knives. When people start waking up, he gets up to a stand, and spares a haggard stare off toward one of the windows. Silent as ever. His head turns to look at Ka'Len as he suggests that, a look of mild discontent showing in the man's face, accompanied by a heavy sigh.

Marduke nods slowly as he moves over to get some food and taking a bite. he glances towards the coffin and shakes his head. "Faith at this point Ka'Len." Clealry not wanting to open it up and shaking his head, "I say we take it over first, but checking it may be wise to, if it can be opened." Moving over towards the door, 'WHo is to carry it? We should be moving sooner then later really. Shall we?" Tucking the book he is carrying for safty and not to slow him down as he opens the door.

Remi catches that jerky, and starts nibbling on it a bit as he nods at being told what the plan is. Starting to get up them to gather his pack and sling it over his shoulder, he suddenly pauses halfway into the process, and blinks over at Ka'Len... Going slightly wide-eyed as he looks at the coffin next... And speaks up in a small voice, "Not it." And actually seeming a bit relieved at Marduke's suggestion. Glancing at Sebastion next, as well, in response to the question about carrying it.

Alba pauses, a strip of meat sticking from the corner of her mouth, and looks over her shoulder at Ka'Len. "...That is... an unsettling thought. Hmn." Lifting her shoulder, she tosses a larger chunk of meat Sebastion's way for him to catch, moving toward the coffin and searching for a seam to the lid. "Better we know now, while the sun is up, than tonight, when we have no way to survive the fetching of the child's bones."

Ka'len looks around then sighs, "I hope there's no worry.. but I'd rather not waste time either." He steels himself then bites dome jerky, quickly gnawing on it and swallowing before he walks over to help Alba in checking the contents of the coffin. "I can carry half of it. Sebastion, why don't you do the other half."

"I'll help carry it, yeah," Sebastion says, tiredly, stuffing the sword back into the scabbard. "My sword is nearly worthless here." He glances off to the window, and notices Alba throwing something. Desperately resisting the urge to spazz out like she's throwing a dagger at him, he catches the piece of meat, shrugs, and takes a bite out of it. Then he turns and approaches the coffin, his brows lifted in curiosity, likely anticipating the reveal.

After a bit of searching the catchs to the tin casket are found, with a metallic creak the lid moves on it's hinges revealing the contents. The mumified remains of a child lay within, his clothing hinting at being one of the upper class and matching the colors of the marlon estate. His face contorted into a look of sheer terror only hightened by the tight dry skin and sunken eyes. Rust-colored stains on the clothing around slits and cuts in the cloth.

Marduke just waits while the coffin is opened up. Eyes looking over the content and then turning away his face going a bit white. Holding up his hands to his staff he offers a quiet prayer. Regaining some of his composure he says without looking back, "Lets close it and get on our way." Turning towards the door and nods, "I for one wanting to find our way home the sooner then later." Shivering and glancing our the door, to make sure the streets are clear.

Remi frowns as people start moving around the coffin like that... And before it can be opened, he quickly turns away, going so far as to slap a hand infront of his eyes. Not carring who might think him a coward, but really not wanting to see a dead child. And he waits like that, his back turned, just listening, waiting for a sign that the coffin is closed up again.

Alba's eyes flick over the corpse briefly, softening around the corners. "You will be home soon," she murmurs quietly, closing the coffin lid with a faint sigh. "Let us go, then. I am very much in agreement with the shaman." So saying, she steps back, draws one of her daggers, and joins Marduke by the door.

Ka'len's eyes close a moment after seeing that the coffin is filled. He bows his head a little bit once he hears the click of it closing and then mutters. "I'm sorry, we had to be sure." His hand rests atop it for a moent and then he opens his eyes and grabs one side of the coffin. The young man waits for Sebastion to take the other before he straightens and lifts it, prepared to carry the small burden to his home.

Sebastion's brows drop and he lets out another heavy sigh. He looks away, somewhere at the floor, and gets into position for lifting the casket up. "At least the beast that did this has already been dealt with," he mentions, as if trying to be reassuring to the rest of the party. He's not very good at the tone, just sounding tired and shaken.

Opening the door and heading out into the street again reveals all is quiet. The air holds it's usual deathly still quality as the group travels to the Marlon estate. The storm has taken it's toll on the town, many buildings are damaged, some have been destroyed but the occupants are nowhere to be scene. The damage seems limited to the small minor buildings, the courthouse, clock tower, and Library all seem intact. Though passing the Sherrif's office reveals that the fence has been flattened and a large trail of dirt and debris make it's way into the city only to vanish, washed away by the night's rain. <continued>

The Marlon Estate stands as it did before, the manorhouse standing silent, the family crypt laying beyond it in the remains of what at one time might be been an apple orchard. The stone building the size of a standard house, the heavy bronze doors hanging open slightly.

Marduke walks along taking note of things. Pausing at the sheriffs office frowning a bit noticing the trail. "Make note of this." Before moving on towards the Marlon estate, eyes looking past it towards the empty crypt. "I am going to suggest we put the coffin where coffins go." Pointing his staff towards the crypt. "Let us be on our way."

Remi stays close to everyone else, even though the proximity of the coffin makes him a bit uneasy... But less uneasy than walking apart and making running into those ghouls again without backup right at his shoulder. Looking up at the estate then as they come closer to it, the Bard glances at Marduke next, and then nods, remarking quietly, "Reunite him with whatever family might already be there..." And looking at the others then to see if they agree.

Alba grunts her assent, moving to the front of the group toward the crypt. The travel to the manor, quiet during the daytime, but the unnatural still continues to grate on the Viera's nerves. Ears and eyes turn every which way, as though distrustful of the safety offered by the sun. Once she reaches the cryot, she presses her back against the doorway, leaning in to scan the darkness beyond for any threat.

Sebastion looks off toward the flattened fence and the trail of dirt without Marduke really needing to indicate. He gives a gruff 'hrm' in reply to the summoner, and turns his attention instead to carrying the coffin. He keeps most of his focus on the path, and moves as fast as he can manage. He seems to be working somewhat at autopilot, whatever mask of neutrality he had wearing down over the course of this experience.

Ka'len looks at the markings in the ground and stares for a few moments beforr muttering lowly, "don't really want to think about it.. but noted." As they arrive he nods a little bit in agreement with bothMarduke and Remi before he follows after Alba and waits for a few moments, taking a breath before he murmurs, "Remi, Marduke, if one of you could give us a light," and then he starts to inch his way in slowly.. apparently trusting them to give a light rather than waiting.

The doors open easily enough, revealing the simple stone interior. Skylights of colored glass cast a spectrum of lights through the single room structure. The walls are lined with brass plates denoting the member of the family entombed behind it, but the middle of the room is dominated by three stone slabs. Two of them bare coffins while the middle lay empty. To the left the stone coffin is adorned on top by an aging bow and quiver of arrows as well as a simple metal helmet. The plate reading "Joseph Marlon. Father, Ranger, Protector." The right coffin bares a simple oak quarterstaff, the plate reading "Beatrice Marlon. Priestess of Alexander, may he watch over her rest." The center slab is bare, no Coffin. The plate reading simply "Jacob Marlon."

Marduke steps into the crypt and looking around. Moving towards the center he reads over the slabs. Sighing softly as he stops by Beatrice, "You know I have actually met Alexander, she must of been a good woman." Shaking his head as he glances to the others, "It is time, we give the funeral rights for those who have passed. If you two would put the coffin in the center there where his name is marked please." Sighing softly and glancing around, offering some prayers under his breath.

Remi nods at Ka'Len and raises a finger... And after a moment of concentration, a tiny ball of light swirls into existence, getting steadily brighter, until sufficient to light up the crypt's interior. Stepping in after the others then, he shines that light on the coffins... And he just stares at them for a moment, his eyes going from one parent's resting place to the next. And then, he suddenly turns away a moment, and secretly wipes at his eyes, before trying to act like nothing happened. Waiting on the child's coffin to be placed in the middle.

Alba slips to the side as they enter the crypt, coming to stand next to Remi as Marduke begins to lead the funerary rite. Her eyes follow the coffin as Ka'Len and Sebastion lug it toward the pedestal, one ear turned toward the bard. "...You are saddened, Remi?" she murmurs, barely more than a whisper.

Ka'len quietly carries the coffin in with Sebastion, the young man sending a glance behind him to the larger before he nods and starts to lower the coffin quietly into it's appointed place. He steps back and bows his head for a few moments while frowning. "Sorry you had to wait so long kiddo."

Sebastion leads the coffin to the pedestal, and carefully lifts it up so that he can work with Ka'Len to set it down on the pedestal. When it's set down, he places a hand on the lid of the casket, a frown showing on his face. Then he turns away from the casket, and then walks away to stand and look at all three of them, his arms crossing.

Marduke watches the coffin be put into place, pausing a moment as he considers. Then pausing again and shaking his head and reaches for the book, opening it up as he starts reading. "The Marlons were sworn defenders of Draver's Valley, adventurers in their younger days they settled in the city using the wealth gained in their exploits to establish the manorhouse and rise to a place of influence on the city council. This did not sit well with the Matron of house Turner. In the months leading to the horrors unleashed on the city their son was taken from them and the pair were consumed with obsession in their search for him. So blinded were they by their loss that they failed to note the warning signs of the dark tide rising around them, and so they were ill prepared and quickly overwhelmed by the darkness when the end days came. Another tragic story in the throngs of such tales that encompassed the town. Coming to a stop he closes his eyes, "May Doomtrain, take you all to a happier place." stepping back and sighing softly.

Remi glances at Alba and then smiles some, perhaps putting on a bit of a brave face as he answers in a similar low tone, "Just got reminded of something... Don't mind me..." And then falls silent again as he watches the coffin be put in place. Steeling himself against the sight, and perhaps even expecting something to happen for a moment... Though as it doesn't, he just starts listening to Marduke's reading, his ears splayed a bit and his expression solemn.

"And may our tale close upon better portents for all," Alba says as Marduke steps back. Glancing down at Remi, she rests a hand on the bard's shoulder, then looks up, watching the coffin as well.

Sebastion looks off toward Remi and Alba, and then to Marduke, and Ka'Len, respectively. His drooping frown fades, and the look of neutrality returns. He turns his attention for the exit. "We are not done yet," he reminds, his voice softer than normal, and starts walking to leave the crypt. "We will have time to honor the dead when it's sure we won't join them anytime soon."

As the coffin is lowered into the place there is an energy to the air, two of the blue shade appearing behind the larger coffins, the same man and woman you saw in the manorhouse when you undertook this labor. The pair walk to the casket on the middle slab and a third shade emerges from behind it, that of a child. As the pair kneel and they all embrace the man looks up and glances to each of your before uttering a simple "Thank you" and the three fade from sight. There is an audible crack as a stone plate set in the wall behind the coffins splits and crumbles to the ground, revealing a long metal box in an alcove behind it.

Marduke watches the shades and offers them simply a nod of his head and a smile. Then leans into his staff as he closes his eyes and offers another soft sigh with a shake of his head, "More allies I can hope, this time it will be many to stand against many instead of one." Opening his eyes he glances up and peers over towards the opening and tilt shis head, "Hmm hmm. Interesting." Yet continues to lean into his staff, clearly a bit tired and losing himself in thought, "This book, has other traits it seems."

Remi glances at Alba again as she puts a hand on his shoulder, and it's that that might actually be helping him not to just break down a bit as those shades appear to reunite and thank them. The Bard only rapidly blinking a moment as he fights back whatever emotion was close to welling up. He just quietly nods at them then, speaking softly, "You're welcome..." Only to look a bit surprised and curious as the plate cracks open, and the box is revealed, "... What's that?"

"A gift which will aid us in the nights to come, I suspect," Alba says quietly, ears standing straight and tall as the shades reunite. "It is a good thing we do here." Edging around the coffins so as not to disturb them, she reaches into the alcove, scooting the box out, just a bit, to see how heavy it is, and how it may be opened.

Ka'len smiles sadly at the reunited spirits and he inclines his head. The alcove is given a look, but he remains back while Alba draws it forward. Looking at Marduke then the young man inclines his head a little before he looks towards Sebastion and comments quietly, "no, we still have a long way to go before we are free of this place and what is wrong is put right again."

Sebastion pauses to look back to the others as the sound of breaking stone catches his ears. He watches, silently, with some mild curiosity. "What is it?" he asks, now sounding surprised, and even greatly interested. He spares a glance off toward Ka'Len, and shrugs at him.

The box opens easily, having no lock. Within rest several items but the most obvious of which is a long sword in a metal scabbard. Also within the box is a scroll tube capped at both ends, and several old coins and semi-precious gemstones.

Marduke pushes off his staff and stands up straight coming out of his thoughts, "We have a long ways to go indeed. Let us move on from here and back to the house. It is safe there, we need to plot our next spot to visit." Glancing over the graves one last time, then over to Alba as he tilts his head, "Interesting, that scroll case has me curious now." A touch of a smile as the scholar in hime comes out. "still this is two. We still have three to go." Turning to start on his way out.

Remi blinks a moment, and then approaches Alba to peek into the box... Eyeing the items within. The sword making him glance back at Ka'Len and Sebastion next, as he motions at them, "... Maybe one of you should take the sword? It might be magical or something." The Bard actually taking a moment then to see if he can sense anything about any of the items within... And afterwards carefully reaching out to take the scroll, calling back to Marduke, "Maybe we should read this now." And proceeding to try and pry one of the caps off.

Alba passes the scroll into Remi's hands without comment, the sword held out to whichever of the warriors shall have it. The coins and gems are studied for a moment, then scraped into a pile, to be dumped into a large square of hide, folded, tied off, and slipped back into her hip pouch. "The spoils, we shall divide once we have escaped Father Antlion alive. It would be a foolish thing, to fight over riches that cannot be spent."

Ka'len looks at Sebastion quietly before looking back towards Alba and Remi as they go over the items. Quietly he accepts the weapon and tests it's weight before he walks over to the shrugging and silent man before he passes it over wordlessly. Instead he looks to Marduke, "where shall we go next?"

Sebastion watches as they get the spoils are taken out of the box, his interest somewhat wilting. Until he sees the sword. For the first time... ever, in the group's experience, his eyes light up, and a lot of his brooding mentality fades. Especially as it's handed over. He spares a while examining the weapon, a smile growing on his face, easily visible since he's forgotton to pull the scarf back over his face.

The scroll tube pops open and out slide three rolled-up papers. Again they have the same make and feel as those in the book Marduke carrys but seem to have been torn from some other journal as his book is missing no pages. As the blade is drawn from it's scabbard it gives an audible thrumming noise, the inscription on the blade reading "A light in the Darkness."

Marduke peers at the pages, 'Let me have those, those are important. The book, or something here compels people to do things. It compeled me to read the passage I did, the blank papers are consumed to resist the compells." He offers as he reaches for them, "So we shall keep these with the book." Glancing to the blade and tilting his head and smiles, 'Seems everybody is picking up a weapon or two here, use it well." Glancing to Alba and nods at something before turning to head out, "As where to next, I was thinking we should visit a tavern."

Remi nods at Alba and looks over those pages a moment, before glancing up at Marduke and giving a bit of a shrug, handing them over next. Peeking at the others then, pausing upon Sebastion as the man seems rather happy with his new sword, he briefly smiles and then starts following the summoner to get out of the crypt, commenting, "I got the violin... Maybe I should try playing it during our night fight..." And he ponders then.

"Certainly it cannot harm, save perhaps for attracting attention," Alba murmurs to Remi as the party exits the crypt. "What is at the taver--ah. You speak of the empty book we find there, no? The one greatly displeased with our attempt to take posession of it?"

Ka'len watches the expression come to Sebastion's face. His eyes drop to the weapon before flicking back up at the man. He waits for a few moments for something before stating with a bit of emphasis, "your /welcome/." The man turns away, shaking his head before he looks at Marduke before murmuring, "then let us be going."

Sebastion looks at Ka'Len distractedly, brows climbing his brow. "Yeah," he says, distractedly, "Thanks." He looks back down to the sword, and steps to the side to let others exit before him, intending to follow behind the group when they go. Well, getting a new weapon certainly lightened up his mood, by the looks of it.

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