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Every man has his price, and when that price isn't paid up, sometimes you have to remind them of it by bouncing their skull off the cobblestones.  The life of a professional thug isn't a glamorous one.  It's a lot of smoky rooms, bad ale, and more than a few times you've got to put a knife in someone's kidney to make them believe you mean business.  But the life pays well, sometimes the guard remember we bribe regularly, and at least it's not something you have to put on a uniform for.  The sword and board life isn't something the Brigand aspires to, but many turn their skills to bounty and monster hunting on the side to help pay the bills when the regular work dries up.

Requirements: Bandit Lvl 5


Active Abilities

Support Abilities

Reaction Abilities

Passive Ability

Hard Life: Add +4 to any Brawl or Subterfuge Skill Rolls.

Movement Ability


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